Renewable Energy Sources: A Look at the Advantages and Disadvantages
Renewable energy sources have proven their superiority to traditional fossil fuel-derived sources in a number of ways: All renewables emit exponentially fewer greenhouse gases than fossil fuels, and all have key parts to play in long-range plans for controlling climate change. Each type continues to support a wide and growing variety of jobs worldwide, and…
Taking a Road Trip with Your EV: 4 Key Considerations
It’s summer, and for many families who have been cooped inside for much of the past year, a road trip is sounding better and better. If you own one of the approximately 2 million electric vehicles in the United States, you will enjoy some distinct advantages—but you’ll also need to remember a few crucial points…
Eco-Friendly Energy Resolutions: Reduce Use and Utility Bills
Energy is something that we use 365 days (sometimes 366 days) out of the year. The start of a new year is the perfect time to evaluate your consumption and make an eco-friendly resolution to reduce energy use. The best resolutions don’t have to be big, but they should be measurable and attainable. With that…
5 Ways to Conserve Energy While Using a Heater This Winter
There’s nothing quite as inviting as a warm cozy home on a cold winter’s day – until you get the utility bill. Then your heater will give you chills. As expected, the natural gas bill is much higher in the winter than it was in the fall. For people in the northeast and midwest, heating…
Why is My Gas Bill So High?
For someone who has a fixed rate energy plan, monthly bills are a little more predictable. However, no two gas bills are exactly the same. If you’re reading this, then you probably had a higher gas bill recently and aren’t sure why.  There could be a few reasons why your gas bill is getting…